A Community Court Treatment Program Graduation and Promotion Celebration will take place at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 23, at the Regional Justice Center’s Jury Services Office located at 200 Lewis Ave. in downtown Las Vegas.
The goal of the Las Vegas Justice Court Community Court Treatment Program is to reduce recidivism by utilizing judicial supervision of low-level misdemeanor offenders, in addition to, addressing quality of life needs by coordinating services that address substance use treatment, education, employment and medical and disability challenges. Officials said that they encourage broad participation and partnership by non-profit providers, government social services, community groups and all justice partners while treating everyone with dignity and respect. We are committed to treating everyone with dignity and respect.
To graduate from Community Court Treatment Program, each individual participates in the program for at least nine months while being drug and alcohol free for at least 60 days. During that time, they will have completed their individualized treatment plans, which include participation in substance use treatment in varying levels of care including individual and group therapy sessions with randomized substance use testing.
The court also assists participants with reclamation of identifying documents, and reconnection of community resources to include medical, vision, dental and mental health providers, education, employment and/or retirement/disability resources. The court encourages its participant to be of service to the community, by gaining financial and housing stability, along with reconnection to family and positive support systems.
The Jan. 23 ceremony is open to family members and friends of participants and the public.
“Community members are encouraged to join the Court in celebrating the accomplishments of the participants who are working to transition out of the justice system and into lives of recovery and stability,” said Chief Judge Melisa De La Garza, who oversees the Community Court Treatment Program.
